The following table lists the properties exposed by the
object in ASP.NET. For more
information about this class and its members, see the Microsoft
Developer Network HttpBrowserCapabilities All Members.
Note: The values returned by the HttpBrowserCapabilities
object relate to the capabilities of the type of browser as a whole and
do not reveal how the individual user has configured his/her particular browser. Thus,
the HttpBrowserCapabilities
object cannot detect if a given user
has, for example, disabled JavaScript or cookies.
Property Name | Type | Value |
ActiveXControls | Boolean | false |
Adapters | Collections.IDictionary | [Not scalar value.] |
AOL | Boolean | false |
BackgroundSounds | Boolean | false |
Beta | Boolean | false |
Browser | String | Mozilla |
Browsers | Collections.ArrayList | [Not scalar value.] |
CanCombineFormsInDeck | Boolean | true |
CanInitiateVoiceCall | Boolean | false |
CanRenderAfterInputOrSelectElement | Boolean | true |
CanRenderEmptySelects | Boolean | true |
CanRenderInputAndSelectElementsTogether | Boolean | true |
CanRenderMixedSelects | Boolean | true |
CanRenderOneventAndPrevElementsTogether | Boolean | true |
CanRenderPostBackCards | Boolean | true |
CanRenderSetvarZeroWithMultiSelectionList | Boolean | true |
CanSendMail | Boolean | true |
Capabilities | Collections.IDictionary | [Not scalar value.] |
CDF | Boolean | false |
ClrVersion | Version | |
Cookies | Boolean | true |
Crawler | Boolean | false |
DefaultSubmitButtonLimit | Int32 | 1 |
EcmaScriptVersion | Version | 3.0 |
Frames | Boolean | true |
GatewayMajorVersion | Int32 | 0 |
GatewayMinorVersion | Double | 0 |
GatewayVersion | String | None |
HasBackButton | Boolean | true |
HidesRightAlignedMultiselectScrollbars | Boolean | false |
HtmlTextWriter | String | |
Id | String | |
InputType | String | keyboard |
IsColor | Boolean | true |
IsMobileDevice | Boolean | false |
Item | String | |
JavaApplets | Boolean | false |
JavaScript | Boolean | true |
JScriptVersion | Version | 0.0 |
MajorVersion | Int32 | 0 |
MaximumHrefLength | Int32 | 10000 |
MaximumRenderedPageSize | Int32 | 300000 |
MaximumSoftkeyLabelLength | Int32 | 5 |
MinorVersion | Double | 0 |
MinorVersionString | String | |
MobileDeviceManufacturer | String | Unknown |
MobileDeviceModel | String | Unknown |
MSDomVersion | Version | 0.0 |
NumberOfSoftkeys | Int32 | 0 |
Platform | String | Unknown |
PreferredImageMime | String | image/gif |
PreferredRenderingMime | String | text/html |
PreferredRenderingType | String | html32 |
PreferredRequestEncoding | String | |
PreferredResponseEncoding | String | |
RendersBreakBeforeWmlSelectAndInput | Boolean | false |
RendersBreaksAfterHtmlLists | Boolean | true |
RendersBreaksAfterWmlAnchor | Boolean | false |
RendersBreaksAfterWmlInput | Boolean | false |
RendersWmlDoAcceptsInline | Boolean | true |
RendersWmlSelectsAsMenuCards | Boolean | false |
RequiredMetaTagNameValue | String | |
RequiresAttributeColonSubstitution | Boolean | false |
RequiresContentTypeMetaTag | Boolean | false |
RequiresControlStateInSession | Boolean | false |
RequiresDBCSCharacter | Boolean | false |
RequiresHtmlAdaptiveErrorReporting | Boolean | |
RequiresLeadingPageBreak | Boolean | false |
RequiresNoBreakInFormatting | Boolean | false |
RequiresOutputOptimization | Boolean | false |
RequiresPhoneNumbersAsPlainText | Boolean | false |
RequiresSpecialViewStateEncoding | Boolean | false |
RequiresUniqueFilePathSuffix | Boolean | false |
RequiresUniqueHtmlCheckboxNames | Boolean | false |
RequiresUniqueHtmlInputNames | Boolean | false |
RequiresUrlEncodedPostfieldValues | Boolean | false |
ScreenBitDepth | Int32 | 8 |
ScreenCharactersHeight | Int32 | |
ScreenCharactersWidth | Int32 | |
ScreenPixelsHeight | Int32 | |
ScreenPixelsWidth | Int32 | |
SupportsAccesskeyAttribute | Boolean | false |
SupportsBodyColor | Boolean | true |
SupportsBold | Boolean | true |
SupportsCacheControlMetaTag | Boolean | true |
SupportsCallback | Boolean | true |
SupportsCss | Boolean | true |
SupportsDivAlign | Boolean | true |
SupportsDivNoWrap | Boolean | true |
SupportsEmptyStringInCookieValue | Boolean | true |
SupportsFontColor | Boolean | true |
SupportsFontName | Boolean | true |
SupportsFontSize | Boolean | true |
SupportsImageSubmit | Boolean | true |
SupportsIModeSymbols | Boolean | false |
SupportsInputIStyle | Boolean | false |
SupportsInputMode | Boolean | false |
SupportsItalic | Boolean | true |
SupportsJPhoneMultiMediaAttributes | Boolean | false |
SupportsJPhoneSymbols | Boolean | false |
SupportsQueryStringInFormAction | Boolean | true |
SupportsRedirectWithCookie | Boolean | true |
SupportsSelectMultiple | Boolean | true |
SupportsUncheck | Boolean | true |
SupportsXmlHttp | Boolean | true |
Tables | Boolean | true |
TagWriter | Type | [Not scalar value.] |
Type | String | Mozilla |
UseOptimizedCacheKey | Boolean | |
VBScript | Boolean | false |
Version | String | 0.0 |
W3CDomVersion | Version | 1.0 |
Win16 | Boolean | false |
Win32 | Boolean | false |